Territori fluidi



by Alessandra Pacelli



It is possible to enclose the ambiguous captiousness of art within an intangible frame of elegant intelligence and ironic lightness, without undermining its primary character of beauty. And like the squaring of the circle, this frame succeeds in capturing the shifts of the gaze, dominating the chaos of thought and controlling any flights of emotion.
Like a lion tamer in a circus, Carla Viparelli strikes the feline paws of her very own fantasy, restricting it within the cage of a creative project. Indeed, like a wizard she gives immobile matter life, animating it with new electrifying energy. And so her painting surpasses itself, going beyond its very own natural vocation and, boosted by a new power, explodes in space; in movement.
Just as sculpture has merged with painting to create completely new forms – which, starting from the sign, have acquired a three-dimensionality made of layers of wood and of other materials which combine to give the painting a dynamic quality which keeps apace with contemporary trends – we find the artist goes beyond herself in search of new creative possibilities in ethereal territories that may be closer to the soul because they are fluid and, precisely, in movement. It thus becomes possible for angel figures to take flight in a succession of waves, and traces of a contemporary reality emerge among the dunes of an imaginary desert, in a play of interior references which evoke time, an eternal scanning of present time through a time glass which regulates the pace of primary forms of life; as if the secrets of earth were revealed and subjected to a new technological idea made of harmonious movements. The result could remind of a dance which the artist has orchestrated to explain that, in spite of everything, art remains in the centre of every possible human creation: Art – with all its ethic and aesthetic baggage – still is the most enthusing reply to questions about the true meaning of life.